Mozzarella di Bufala Campana

I formaggi freschi
M.G. (Materia grassa)

Mozzarella evokes Italy. This cheese, originating from the regions of Latium and Campania, is said to have originated by accident, when the curdled milk fell in a bucket of hot water. The first traces of the cheese go back to the
12th century. It is generally shaped as a sphere, and its weight can vary between 100g and 1kg. The pate is pressed and fresh and has no rind. The milk comes from buffalos, ‘bufflonnes’ which come from Asia originally, and are particularly adapted to the marshland of southern Italy. Mozzarella is low in fat, rich in proteins and in calcium. It is more a cheese of accompaniment, as it has such a delicate flavour;  it can be eaten raw in salads, on pizzas, pasta, gratins etc…

Appearance of Mozzarella cheese: white, smooth pate
Odour of Mozzarella cheese: Lactic odour
Texture of Mozzarella cheese: has elasticity
Taste of Mozzarella cheese: mild, creamy

Traditional Mozzarella is produced in Campania, and is artisan made according to the AOC specifications. The raw buffalo milk is pasteurised and then curdled using rennet. The obtained curds are cut and placed in hot water with a temperature of 80 to 90°C. The pate is taken out of the water and it has a stringy property, it is then worked and formed into balls and put into cold water to conserve the shape, then it is salted. The process is rapid; no more than 8 hours, and the cheese is not matured at all.

Mozzarella can also be made industrially, or made outside of Italy, where often cow’s milk is used; in fact 90% of the production uses cow’s milk. For these reasons, the taste of different Mozzarellas varies depending on the quality of the cheese and the way it was made.

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